Diving Entries & Exits
diving shore exit through surf
Shore Exits
When condition are calm, you can exit to the shore by simply removing your fins and walking out. However, when there is surf, you may need to time your exit with the smaller waves and crawl out on your hands and knees. Follow these procedures when exiting through surf.

  1. Observe the wave sets. Time your exit with the smaller waves.
  2. When you are ready to exit, place the regulator in your mouth and swim towards the shore.
  3. Begin crawling as soon as possible. Do not stop until you reach dry sand. Keep the regulator in your mouth during the entire exit to prevent sand from entering the regulator.
  4. If a wave approaches, stop and tuck your head down. Brace yourself as the wave passes overhead, and then continue crawling.
  5. Have your buddy remove your fins before standing up.