Diving Entries & Exits

Boat Exits
Most dive boats are equipped with an exit ladder, exit platform, or combination of both, and this determines the appropriate exit procedure that you should follow. Before any exit, wait to approach the exit area until the area is clear of other divers, and follow the instructions the divemaster provides.
Small boats have ladders that require you to climb up high out of the water, and these are difficult to climb while wearing heavy equipment. If you must remove your equipment prior to exiting, begin with your weight belt, and follow with your BCD. Do not remove your fins until you have a firm grip on the ladder and you are ready to exit.
Medium size boats have ladders that hang from a platform just above the water. With these exits, you should be able to exit while wearing all of your gear with the exception of your fins.
Most large boats have platforms that are lowered about a foot below the surface. When these platforms are present, swim onto the platform and wait for the divemaster to remove your fins before continuing onto the boat.
Small boats have ladders that require you to climb up high out of the water, and these are difficult to climb while wearing heavy equipment. If you must remove your equipment prior to exiting, begin with your weight belt, and follow with your BCD. Do not remove your fins until you have a firm grip on the ladder and you are ready to exit.
Medium size boats have ladders that hang from a platform just above the water. With these exits, you should be able to exit while wearing all of your gear with the exception of your fins.
Most large boats have platforms that are lowered about a foot below the surface. When these platforms are present, swim onto the platform and wait for the divemaster to remove your fins before continuing onto the boat.