Lesson 3: Underwater Life

Chances are, you're learning how to scuba dive so you can experience the colorful and unique life that exists underwater. But if you're like most students, some of these creatures are also the source of your biggest fears. During this lesson, you'll learn about the actual threat these animals pose to divers, how to avoid injury, and first aid procedures to follow in the event you are injured.
The aquatic environment is a sensitive one, and divers must treat it with care and respect to preserve it for its inhabitants as well as future divers. This lesson covers the impact divers can have on the environment and steps you can take to help preserve it.
The aquatic environment is a sensitive one, and divers must treat it with care and respect to preserve it for its inhabitants as well as future divers. This lesson covers the impact divers can have on the environment and steps you can take to help preserve it.
Lesson Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to:
- Explain how divers can prevent injuries from aquatic life.
- State the appropriate first aid procedures for specific aquatic life injuries.
- List three negative impacts divers can have on the environment.
- List two steps you can take to help preserve the underwater environment.