Hazardous Aquatic Life
Preventing Injuries From Aquatic Life
People's fears of aquatic life are sparked by grossly exaggerated reports by the media of the danger of aggressive animals in the ocean. While it's true that there are some species that attack innocent swimmers and divers, those incidents are extremely rare. The truth is, most aquatic life injuries are the result of defensive reactions, and not aggressive actions.
You can avoid most injuries from aquatic life by respecting the environment you're exploring. Most potentially harmful animals will only injure you when they are touched, harassed, or provoked. For this reason, you should learn about the harmful life that exists at a site before you dive. This information is available from local dive shops and dive site reference books.
You can avoid most injuries from aquatic life by respecting the environment you're exploring. Most potentially harmful animals will only injure you when they are touched, harassed, or provoked. For this reason, you should learn about the harmful life that exists at a site before you dive. This information is available from local dive shops and dive site reference books.