Using Your Fins

Surface Swimming
All dives involve a certain amount of surface swimming. As you'll quickly learn, your fins aren't as efficient at the surface as they are while you are underwater. However, there are a few measures you can take to make surface swimming easier.
Swimming face-down allows you to view the area below you, but this position makes it difficult to keep your fins in the water. If you need to swim longer distances, swimming on your back forces your fins deeper in the water, which results in a more efficient kick. Avoid using your snorkel when swimming on your back because you may accidentally inhale water.
Inflate your BCD if you are wearing scuba equipment. This will help you rest at the surface when necessary, and also lift your face out of the water so you can breathe easier.
Swimming face-down allows you to view the area below you, but this position makes it difficult to keep your fins in the water. If you need to swim longer distances, swimming on your back forces your fins deeper in the water, which results in a more efficient kick. Avoid using your snorkel when swimming on your back because you may accidentally inhale water.
Inflate your BCD if you are wearing scuba equipment. This will help you rest at the surface when necessary, and also lift your face out of the water so you can breathe easier.