Surface Dives
Feet-First Dive
The feet-first dive is used when surface space is limited. A good example is in the middle of a kelp bed, where lifting your legs out of the water can result in an entanglement. Use the following procedure when using the feet-first dive.

  1. If you're diving in the middle of a kelp bed, clear a circle by rotating your body and pushing the kelp away from you.
  2. While in an upright position, extend your arms straight out and spread your legs apart.
  3. Simultaneously push your arms down and fins together to lift your body up out of the water.
  4. Allow your head to sink below the surface. Once your entire body is underwater, roll your body into a head-first position.
  5. Begin kicking as soon as your body is in a head-first position. Remember to equalize as you descend.