wetsuits hanging to dry
Wetsuits should be dried and stored inside-out and on wide hangers.
Exposure Suit Maintenance
Like all diving equipment, your exposure suit needs to be rinsed with fresh water at the end of the day. Commercial detergents are also available to use on occasion when thorough cleaning is necessary.

Neoprene is similar to bubble wrap. When hard pressure is applied to a small area, the gas bubbles crush, and this sacrifices the insulating qualities of the suit. For this reason, dry and store your suit on a wide hanger to protect the shoulders from creases, and avoid folding the suit for storage.

Wetsuits should be hung inside-out while drying. This allows the inside of the suit to dry first, which is especially important during multiple days of diving.

Like all diving equipment, hang your suit away from direct sunlight and store in a cool, dry place.