Kelp Forests

What Are Kelp Forests
Kelp forests are often described as an underwater forest. Giant kelp grows as fast as 2 feet a day and can reach the surface from depths of 70 feet or more. Once it reaches the surface, it continues to grow and form a thick canopy that shades the area beneath it. As light penetrates this canopy, spectacular rays of light extend from the surface all the way to the bottom. This is a sight that every diver should experience.
Giant kelp only grows in cold water, and is most common off the coast of California. Water temperatures in this region range from 50° F to 65° F, so appropriate thermal protection makes the difference between a remarkable experience and miserable one. Most divers wear a 2-piece 7mm wetsuit or a dry suit, in addition to neoprene gloves and a hood.
Giant kelp only grows in cold water, and is most common off the coast of California. Water temperatures in this region range from 50° F to 65° F, so appropriate thermal protection makes the difference between a remarkable experience and miserable one. Most divers wear a 2-piece 7mm wetsuit or a dry suit, in addition to neoprene gloves and a hood.