Effects of Water Density on Light

Water and Absorption of Color
The density of water also affects colors. Water absorbs colors of the light spectrum as light rays travel through the water, and this is called absorption.
Red is the first color absorbed, followed by orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. A useful way to remember this order is "ROY-G-BIV." Red and orange are absorbed at about 20 feet, while blue, indigo, and violet are absorbed far beyond maximum diving depths.
This is why underwater photos and videos seem washed out with blues. To see the full range of colors while underwater it's a good idea to carry a flashlight. This will bring out colors you never imagined existed.
Red is the first color absorbed, followed by orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. A useful way to remember this order is "ROY-G-BIV." Red and orange are absorbed at about 20 feet, while blue, indigo, and violet are absorbed far beyond maximum diving depths.
This is why underwater photos and videos seem washed out with blues. To see the full range of colors while underwater it's a good idea to carry a flashlight. This will bring out colors you never imagined existed.